This paper is wall of text, professionally printed. It calls itself a “trial issue,” and represents an attempt of the heirs of Russian artist and philosopher, Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947), who had moved to India in the 1930s, to bring his ideas back to Russia and contribute to the resurrection of Russian culture. It includes a multitude of subjects: a review of a TV film about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn headlined: “I am a monument to myself”; a study of the state of Russian architecture under the headline “Architecture is like a weathervane on a tower: it squeaks, but it turns”; brief announcements concerning museums, exhibitions, books, and computers (including a list of the best-selling Adobe typefaces in Europe and America). A kind of lead article on the right is the answer of the Argentinian writer, Ruben Castillo, to the question: “Can the country keep its own, particular culture in the course of the transition to a free economy?”